Friday, May 24, 2019

Scheduling Tools In Informatica

Scheduling tools in informatica are used to schedule the jobs. It means these scheduling tools are used to automate workflows, the time specified by us. 

Informatica scheduler is basic scheduling tool which is present as a default feature for scheduling. 

- Go to edit workflow  & select scheduler option. Select Non-Reusable or Re-usable based on your requirement.  

- Click scheduler option available on the right for automation 

- Put all the necessary details for scheduling purpose & save it.

- If we try to execute manually it fails because its scheduled on a particular time to execute.

But there are many drawbacks for this, so many third party schedulers are being introduce to fulfill the requirements. Some the schedulers are Autosys, Tivoli and Control M Schedulers.
Lets learn about the Tivoli Scheduling tool.

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