Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Introduction to Informatica

Informatica or informatica power center is an Etl tool used to extract data from the source, Transform it and Load the data into Target. The word Etl means Extract Transform and Load and these are called 3 stages or 3 steps of ETL processing.

This tool is used by many organizations for the Etl process because of its best features and it's cost effective.

It has access to many relational databases like Oracle, Sql, Plsql, Teradata, MySQL and so on.

It contains many objects used to perform the task involved in Etl process. And those objects are called "Transformations".

Below are some transformations used in Etl process and they are Expression, Joiner, Look-up, Union, Seq Gen, Router and so on.

These transformations are used to perform tasks like inserting, updating, deleting, joining and much more.

Now let's understand about these transformations individually in coming posts.

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