Thursday, April 11, 2019

Source Qualifier Transformation

Source Qualifier Transformation is Connected and Active transformation. When ever we drag our source to mapping area by default source qualifier will be generated automatically. Its because the sq converts the other data types to informatica compatible or native data types. This source qualifier data types should not be altered at any moment.

Sq can perform many tasks like
- It can join two to more tables from same database by using option from   properties tab 'user defined join'.
- It can filter rows from source by using 'source filter' option from properties   tab. 
- We can sort the data by adding order by clause to 'sql query' option from   properties tab. 
- It can remove duplicate by selecting distinct option from properties tab. 

Creating Source Qualifier Transformation :-

- Click Transformation -> Create
- Select the Source Qualifier transformation.
- Enter a name for the transformation
- Click on create

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